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Istio sidecar iptables and traffic steering detail

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Istio injected iptables

Istio implements the hijacking and processing of traffic by injecting the init container and envoy proxy container into the business pod. After the init container runs, the following NAT table rules for iptables will be generated in the corresponding linux namespace

[root@k8s-node1-v1-16 ~]# iptables -t nat -L -v
Chain PREROUTING (policy ACCEPT 192K packets, 12M bytes)
 pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination
 192K   12M ISTIO_INBOUND  tcp  --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 192K packets, 12M bytes)
 pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 40673 packets, 3694K bytes)
 pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination
 8917  535K ISTIO_OUTPUT  tcp  --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere

Chain POSTROUTING (policy ACCEPT 40673 packets, 3694K bytes)
 pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination

Chain ISTIO_INBOUND (1 references)
 pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination
    0     0 RETURN     tcp  --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpt:ssh
  356 21360 RETURN     tcp  --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpt:15090
 192K   11M RETURN     tcp  --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpt:15021
    0     0 RETURN     tcp  --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpt:15020
   34  2040 ISTIO_IN_REDIRECT  tcp  --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere

Chain ISTIO_IN_REDIRECT (3 references)
 pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination
   34  2040 REDIRECT   tcp  --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere             redir ports 15006

Chain ISTIO_OUTPUT (1 references)
 pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination
    0     0 RETURN     all  --  any    lo            anywhere    
    0     0 ISTIO_IN_REDIRECT  all  --  any    lo      anywhere            !localhost            owner UID match 1337
    0     0 RETURN     all  --  any    lo      anywhere             anywhere             ! owner UID match 1337
 8917  535K RETURN     all  --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere             owner UID match 1337
    0     0 ISTIO_IN_REDIRECT  all  --  any    lo      anywhere            !localhost            owner GID match 1337
    0     0 RETURN     all  --  any    lo      anywhere             anywhere             ! owner GID match 1337
    0     0 RETURN     all  --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere             owner GID match 1337
    0     0 RETURN     all  --  any    any     anywhere             localhost
    0     0 ISTIO_REDIRECT  all  --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere

Chain ISTIO_REDIRECT (1 references)
 pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination
    0     0 REDIRECT   tcp  --  any    any     anywhere             anywhere             redir ports 15001

Outbound flow control

When the business container sends the request to the outside, such as productpage to reviews: 9080 port access, this connection will be redirected by iptables to port, and then processed by envoy.

REDIRECT This target is only valid in the nat table, in the PREROUTING and OUTPUT chains, and user-defined chains which are only called from those chains. It redirects the packet to the machine itself by changing the destination IP to the primary address of the incoming interface (locally-generated packets are mapped to the localhost address, for IPv4 and ::1 for IPv6).

The virtualOutbound in envoy will be hit. This is a special listener. It contains the Original Destination listener filter. Note “useOriginalDst”: truethat after such configuration in the following configuration , envoy will re-find the matching listener in the configuration. If found, press the hit. The listener performs follow-up processing. If it cannot find it, it sends the request to the cluster in this listener. Here is a passthrough cluster. This cluster will forward the packet directly to the fourth layer.

root@k8s-master-v1-16 ~]# istioctl proxy-config listener productpage-v1-7f4cc988c6-qxqjs.istio-bookinfo --port 15001 -o json
        "name": "virtualOutbound",
        "address": {
            "socketAddress": {
                "address": "",
                "portValue": 15001
        "filterChains": [
                "filters": [
                        "name": "istio.stats",
                        "typedConfig": {
                            "@type": "",
                            "typeUrl": "",
                            "value": {
                                "config": {
                                    "configuration": "{\n  \"debug\": \"false\",\n  \"stat_prefix\": \"istio\"\n}\n",
                                    "root_id": "stats_outbound",
                                    "vm_config": {
                                        "code": {
                                            "local": {
                                                "inline_string": "envoy.wasm.stats"
                                        "runtime": "envoy.wasm.runtime.null",
                                        "vm_id": "tcp_stats_outbound"
                        "name": "envoy.tcp_proxy",
                        "typedConfig": {
                            "@type": "",
                            "statPrefix": "PassthroughCluster",
                            "cluster": "PassthroughCluster",
                            "accessLog": [
                                    "name": "envoy.file_access_log",
                                    "typedConfig": {
                                        "@type": "",
                                        "path": "/dev/stdout",
                "name": "virtualOutbound-catchall-tcp"
        "useOriginalDst": true,
        "trafficDirection": "OUTBOUND"

The above listener will hand over the connection to the listener that matches the original destination IP and port. In the bookinfo example, it will be handed over to the 9080 listener. There is a question to consider here. From the perspective of envoy, the destination port of this link is already 15001, why can it match the following port This is because the NAT is done in the system kernel when iptables is redirected. The system kernel has this converted storage. Envoy obtains the real destination port through getsockopt() , so that it can correctly match the business listener.

[root@k8s-master-v1-16 ~]# istioctl proxy-config listener productpage-v1-7f4cc988c6-qxqjs.istio-bookinfo --port 9080 -o json
        "name": "",
        "address": {
            "socketAddress": {
                "address": "",
                "portValue": 9080
        "filterChains": [
                "filterChainMatch": {
                    "applicationProtocols": [
                "filters": [
                        "name": "envoy.http_connection_manager",
                        "typedConfig": {
                            "@type": "",
                            "statPrefix": "outbound_0.0.0.0_9080",
                            "rds": {
                                "configSource": {
                                    "ads": {}
                                "routeConfigName": "9080"
[root@k8s-master-v1-16 ~]# istioctl proxy-config listener productpage-v1-7f4cc988c6-qxqjs.istio-bookinfo
ADDRESS            PORT      TYPE      15012     TCP      31400     TCP         53        TCP      15443     TCP      15443     TCP      443       TCP      443       TCP     9001      TCP          443       TCP      443       TCP     9000      TCP     14267     HTTP+TCP        5601      HTTP+TCP            15014     HTTP+TCP     14250     HTTP+TCP            20001     HTTP+TCP            9411      HTTP+TCP       9090      HTTP+TCP      80        HTTP+TCP     14268     HTTP+TCP         9153      HTTP+TCP     80        HTTP+TCP      853       HTTP+TCP      16686     HTTP+TCP            12345     HTTP+TCP     80        HTTP+TCP            8000      HTTP+TCP            15010     HTTP+TCP      15020     HTTP+TCP            9090      HTTP+TCP     80        HTTP+TCP            14250     HTTP+TCP            80        HTTP+TCP            3000      HTTP+TCP       8181      HTTP+TCP      9200      HTTP+TCP            9080      HTTP+TCP 《《《《《《《《《《《《            15001     TCP 《《《《《《《《《《《《            15006     HTTP+TCP            15090     HTTP            15021     HTTP

Related passthrough cluster:

root@k8s-master-v1-16 ~]# istioctl proxy-config cluster productpage-v1-7f4cc988c6-qxqjs.istio-bookinfo --fqdn PassthroughCluster -o json
        "name": "PassthroughCluster",
        "type": "ORIGINAL_DST",
        "connectTimeout": "10s",
        "lbPolicy": "CLUSTER_PROVIDED",
        "circuitBreakers": {
            "thresholds": [
                    "maxConnections": 4294967295,
                    "maxPendingRequests": 4294967295,
                    "maxRequests": 4294967295,
                    "maxRetries": 4294967295
        "filters": [
                "name": "istio.metadata_exchange",
                "typedConfig": {
                    "@type": "",
                    "typeUrl": "",
                    "value": {
                        "protocol": "istio-peer-exchange"

Inbound flow control

When it is an inbound request, the destination address of the packet is the IP of the pod, and the destination port is the real port of the business (9080, non-svc mapping port). Since the link destination port of iptables is changed to 15006, it will Hit virtual inbound listener (, this listener has a series of filterchain, and the virtualoutbound listener configuration method is different, virtualinbound contains a series of actual service filters for specific ports, the connection will find specific in these fitlers Business matching. So how does it match the real 9080 business? For example, the following output: addressPrefix can be matched. If the pod actually has multiple ports, only addressPrefix does not match. It also needs to match the application layer protocol, but the DestinationPort in the Match condition is not matched . In fact, it is similar to Virtualoutbound. The filter of the original destination listener is also used, so envoy will obtain the real destination port and IP from the kernel. This configuration method is different from the virtual outbound “useOriginalDst”: true configuration method, because this is an updated configuration method.” useOriginalDst”: true This configuration is about to be abandoned.

"listenerFilters": [ { "name": "envoy.listener.original_dst", "typedConfig": { "@type": "" } },

(According to, the filtermatch condition is that all must match)

                "filterChainMatch": {
                    "destinationPort": 9080,
                    "prefixRanges": [
                            "addressPrefix": "",
                            "prefixLen": 32
### 根据 , 
### 同一个业务端口是不能被两个用不同协议的svc来发布的,因此这帮助避免了同端口同协议的match在整个配置文件里的出现。
                    "applicationProtocols": [
                "filters": [
                        "name": "istio.metadata_exchange",
                        "typedConfig": {
                            "@type": "",
                            "typeUrl": "",
                            "value": {
                                "protocol": "istio-peer-exchange"
                        "name": "envoy.http_connection_manager",
                        "typedConfig": {
                            "@type": "",
                            "statPrefix": "inbound_10.244.2.138_9080",
                            "routeConfig": {
                                "name": "inbound|9080|http|productpage.istio-bookinfo.svc.cluster.local",
                                "virtualHosts": [
                                        "name": "inbound|http|9080",
                                        "domains": [
                                        "routes": [
                                                "name": "default",
                                                "match": {
                                                    "prefix": "/"
                                                "route": {
                                                    "cluster": "inbound|9080|http|productpage.istio-bookinfo.svc.cluster.local",
                                                    "timeout": "0s",
                                                    "maxGrpcTimeout": "0s"
                                                "decorator": {
                                                    "operation": "productpage.istio-bookinfo.svc.cluster.local:9080/*"


Attach the actual configuration of 15006

[root@k8s-master-v1-16 ~]# istioctl proxy-config listener productpage-v1-7f4cc988c6-qxqjs.istio-bookinfo --port 15006 -o json
        "name": "virtualInbound",
        "address": {
            "socketAddress": {
                "address": "",
                "portValue": 15006
        "filterChains": [
                "filterChainMatch": {
                    "prefixRanges": [
                            "addressPrefix": "",
                            "prefixLen": 0
                    "transportProtocol": "tls",
                    "applicationProtocols": [
                "filters": [
                        "name": "istio.metadata_exchange",
                        "typedConfig": {
                            "@type": "",
                            "typeUrl": "",
                            "value": {
                                "protocol": "istio-peer-exchange"
                        "name": "istio.stats",
                        "typedConfig": {
                            "@type": "",
                            "typeUrl": "",
                            "value": {
                                "config": {
                                    "configuration": "{\n  \"debug\": \"false\",\n  \"stat_prefix\": \"istio\"\n}\n",
                                    "root_id": "stats_inbound",
                                    "vm_config": {
                                        "code": {
                                            "local": {
                                                "inline_string": "envoy.wasm.stats"
                                        "runtime": "envoy.wasm.runtime.null",
                                        "vm_id": "tcp_stats_inbound"
                        "name": "envoy.tcp_proxy",
                        "typedConfig": {
                            "@type": "",
                            "statPrefix": "InboundPassthroughClusterIpv4",
                            "cluster": "InboundPassthroughClusterIpv4",
                            "accessLog": [
                                    "name": "envoy.file_access_log",
                                    "typedConfig": {
                                        "@type": "",
                                        "path": "/dev/stdout",
                "transportSocket": {
                    "name": "envoy.transport_sockets.tls",
                    "typedConfig": {
                        "@type": "",
                        "commonTlsContext": {
                            "tlsCertificateSdsSecretConfigs": [
                                    "name": "default",
                                    "sdsConfig": {
                                        "apiConfigSource": {
                                            "apiType": "GRPC",
                                            "grpcServices": [
                                                    "envoyGrpc": {
                                                        "clusterName": "sds-grpc"
                            "combinedValidationContext": {
                                "defaultValidationContext": {},
                                "validationContextSdsSecretConfig": {
                                    "name": "ROOTCA",
                                    "sdsConfig": {
                                        "apiConfigSource": {
                                            "apiType": "GRPC",
                                            "grpcServices": [
                                                    "envoyGrpc": {
                                                        "clusterName": "sds-grpc"
                            "alpnProtocols": [
                        "requireClientCertificate": true
                "name": "virtualInbound"
                "filterChainMatch": {
                    "prefixRanges": [
                            "addressPrefix": "",
                            "prefixLen": 0
                "filters": [
                        "name": "istio.metadata_exchange",
                        "typedConfig": {
                            "@type": "",
                            "typeUrl": "",
                            "value": {
                                "protocol": "istio-peer-exchange"
                        "name": "istio.stats",
                        "typedConfig": {
                            "@type": "",
                            "typeUrl": "",
                            "value": {
                                "config": {
                                    "configuration": "{\n  \"debug\": \"false\",\n  \"stat_prefix\": \"istio\"\n}\n",
                                    "root_id": "stats_inbound",
                                    "vm_config": {
                                        "code": {
                                            "local": {
                                                "inline_string": "envoy.wasm.stats"
                                        "runtime": "envoy.wasm.runtime.null",
                                        "vm_id": "tcp_stats_inbound"
                        "name": "envoy.tcp_proxy",
                        "typedConfig": {
                            "@type": "",
                            "statPrefix": "InboundPassthroughClusterIpv4",
                            "cluster": "InboundPassthroughClusterIpv4",
                            "accessLog": [
                                    "name": "envoy.file_access_log",
                                    "typedConfig": {
                                        "@type": "",
                                        "path": "/dev/stdout",
                "name": "virtualInbound"
                "filterChainMatch": {
                    "prefixRanges": [
                            "addressPrefix": "",
                            "prefixLen": 0
                    "transportProtocol": "tls",
                    "applicationProtocols": [
                "filters": [
                        "name": "istio.metadata_exchange",
                        "typedConfig": {
                            "@type": "",
                            "typeUrl": "",
                            "value": {
                                "protocol": "istio-peer-exchange"
                        "name": "envoy.http_connection_manager",
                        "typedConfig": {
                            "@type": "",
                            "statPrefix": "InboundPassthroughClusterIpv4",
                            "routeConfig": {
                                "name": "InboundPassthroughClusterIpv4",
                                "virtualHosts": [
                                        "name": "inbound|http|0",
                                        "domains": [
                                        "routes": [
                                                "name": "default",
                                                "match": {
                                                    "prefix": "/"
                                                "route": {
                                                    "cluster": "InboundPassthroughClusterIpv4",
                                                    "timeout": "0s",
                                                    "maxGrpcTimeout": "0s"
                                                "decorator": {
                                                    "operation": ":0/*"
                                "validateClusters": false
                            "httpFilters": [
                                    "name": "istio.metadata_exchange",
                                    "typedConfig": {
                                        "@type": "",
                                        "typeUrl": "",
                                        "value": {
                                            "config": {
                                                "configuration": "{}\n",
                                                "vm_config": {
                                                    "code": {
                                                        "local": {
                                                            "inline_string": "envoy.wasm.metadata_exchange"
                                                    "runtime": "envoy.wasm.runtime.null"
                                    "name": "envoy.cors",
                                    "typedConfig": {
                                        "@type": ""
                                    "name": "envoy.fault",
                                    "typedConfig": {
                                        "@type": ""
                                    "name": "istio.stats",
                                    "typedConfig": {
                                        "@type": "",
                                        "typeUrl": "",
                                        "value": {
                                            "config": {
                                                "configuration": "{\n  \"debug\": \"false\",\n  \"stat_prefix\": \"istio\"\n}\n",
                                                "root_id": "stats_inbound",
                                                "vm_config": {
                                                    "code": {
                                                        "local": {
                                                            "inline_string": "envoy.wasm.stats"
                                                    "runtime": "envoy.wasm.runtime.null",
                                                    "vm_id": "stats_inbound"
                                    "name": "envoy.router",
                                    "typedConfig": {
                                        "@type": ""
                            "tracing": {
                                "clientSampling": {
                                    "value": 100
                                "randomSampling": {
                                    "value": 100
                                "overallSampling": {
                                    "value": 100
                            "serverName": "istio-envoy",
                            "streamIdleTimeout": "0s",
                            "accessLog": [
                                    "name": "envoy.file_access_log",
                                    "typedConfig": {
                                        "@type": "",
                                        "path": "/dev/stdout",
                            "useRemoteAddress": false,
                            "generateRequestId": true,
                            "forwardClientCertDetails": "APPEND_FORWARD",
                            "setCurrentClientCertDetails": {
                                "subject": true,
                                "dns": true,
                                "uri": true
                            "upgradeConfigs": [
                                    "upgradeType": "websocket"
                            "normalizePath": true
                "transportSocket": {
                    "name": "envoy.transport_sockets.tls",
                    "typedConfig": {
                        "@type": "",
                        "commonTlsContext": {
                            "tlsCertificateSdsSecretConfigs": [
                                    "name": "default",
                                    "sdsConfig": {
                                        "apiConfigSource": {
                                            "apiType": "GRPC",
                                            "grpcServices": [
                                                    "envoyGrpc": {
                                                        "clusterName": "sds-grpc"
                            "combinedValidationContext": {
                                "defaultValidationContext": {},
                                "validationContextSdsSecretConfig": {
                                    "name": "ROOTCA",
                                    "sdsConfig": {
                                        "apiConfigSource": {
                                            "apiType": "GRPC",
                                            "grpcServices": [
                                                    "envoyGrpc": {
                                                        "clusterName": "sds-grpc"
                            "alpnProtocols": [
                        "requireClientCertificate": true
                "name": "virtualInbound-catchall-http"
                "filterChainMatch": {
                    "prefixRanges": [
                            "addressPrefix": "",
                            "prefixLen": 0
                    "applicationProtocols": [
                "filters": [
                        "name": "istio.metadata_exchange",
                        "typedConfig": {
                            "@type": "",
                            "typeUrl": "",
                            "value": {
                                "protocol": "istio-peer-exchange"
                        "name": "envoy.http_connection_manager",
                        "typedConfig": {
                            "@type": "",
                            "statPrefix": "InboundPassthroughClusterIpv4",
                            "routeConfig": {
                                "name": "InboundPassthroughClusterIpv4",
                                "virtualHosts": [
                                        "name": "inbound|http|0",
                                        "domains": [
                                        "routes": [
                                                "name": "default",
                                                "match": {
                                                    "prefix": "/"
                                                "route": {
                                                    "cluster": "InboundPassthroughClusterIpv4",
                                                    "timeout": "0s",
                                                    "maxGrpcTimeout": "0s"
                                                "decorator": {
                                                    "operation": ":0/*"
                                "validateClusters": false
                            "httpFilters": [
                                    "name": "istio.metadata_exchange",
                                    "typedConfig": {
                                        "@type": "",
                                        "typeUrl": "",
                                        "value": {
                                            "config": {
                                                "configuration": "{}\n",
                                                "vm_config": {
                                                    "code": {
                                                        "local": {
                                                            "inline_string": "envoy.wasm.metadata_exchange"
                                                    "runtime": "envoy.wasm.runtime.null"
                                    "name": "envoy.cors",
                                    "typedConfig": {
                                        "@type": ""
                                    "name": "envoy.fault",
                                    "typedConfig": {
                                        "@type": ""
                                    "name": "istio.stats",
                                    "typedConfig": {
                                        "@type": "",
                                        "typeUrl": "",
                                        "value": {
                                            "config": {
                                                "configuration": "{\n  \"debug\": \"false\",\n  \"stat_prefix\": \"istio\"\n}\n",
                                                "root_id": "stats_inbound",
                                                "vm_config": {
                                                    "code": {
                                                        "local": {
                                                            "inline_string": "envoy.wasm.stats"
                                                    "runtime": "envoy.wasm.runtime.null",
                                                    "vm_id": "stats_inbound"
                                    "name": "envoy.router",
                                    "typedConfig": {
                                        "@type": ""
                            "tracing": {
                                "clientSampling": {
                                    "value": 100
                                "randomSampling": {
                                    "value": 100
                                "overallSampling": {
                                    "value": 100
                            "serverName": "istio-envoy",
                            "streamIdleTimeout": "0s",
                            "accessLog": [
                                    "name": "envoy.file_access_log",
                                    "typedConfig": {
                                        "@type": "",
                                        "path": "/dev/stdout",
                            "useRemoteAddress": false,
                            "generateRequestId": true,
                            "forwardClientCertDetails": "APPEND_FORWARD",
                            "setCurrentClientCertDetails": {
                                "subject": true,
                                "dns": true,
                                "uri": true
                            "upgradeConfigs": [
                                    "upgradeType": "websocket"
                            "normalizePath": true
                "name": "virtualInbound-catchall-http"
                "filterChainMatch": {
                    "destinationPort": 15021,
                    "prefixRanges": [
                            "addressPrefix": "",
                            "prefixLen": 32
                "filters": [
                        "name": "istio.metadata_exchange",
                        "typedConfig": {
                            "@type": "",
                            "typeUrl": "",
                            "value": {
                                "protocol": "istio-peer-exchange"
                        "name": "istio.stats",
                        "typedConfig": {
                            "@type": "",
                            "typeUrl": "",
                            "value": {
                                "config": {
                                    "configuration": "{\n  \"debug\": \"false\",\n  \"stat_prefix\": \"istio\"\n}\n",
                                    "root_id": "stats_inbound",
                                    "vm_config": {
                                        "code": {
                                            "local": {
                                                "inline_string": "envoy.wasm.stats"
                                        "runtime": "envoy.wasm.runtime.null",
                                        "vm_id": "tcp_stats_inbound"
                        "name": "envoy.tcp_proxy",
                        "typedConfig": {
                            "@type": "",
                            "statPrefix": "inbound|15021|mgmt-15021|mgmtCluster",
                            "cluster": "inbound|15021|mgmt-15021|mgmtCluster",
                            "accessLog": [
                                    "name": "envoy.file_access_log",
                                    "typedConfig": {
                                        "@type": "",
                                        "path": "/dev/stdout",
                "name": ""
                "filterChainMatch": {
                    "destinationPort": 9080,
                    "prefixRanges": [
                            "addressPrefix": "",
                            "prefixLen": 32
                    "applicationProtocols": [
                "filters": [
                        "name": "istio.metadata_exchange",
                        "typedConfig": {
                            "@type": "",
                            "typeUrl": "",
                            "value": {
                                "protocol": "istio-peer-exchange"
                        "name": "envoy.http_connection_manager",
                        "typedConfig": {
                            "@type": "",
                            "statPrefix": "inbound_10.244.2.155_9080",
                            "routeConfig": {
                                "name": "inbound|9080|http|productpage.istio-bookinfo.svc.cluster.local",
                                "virtualHosts": [
                                        "name": "inbound|http|9080",
                                        "domains": [
                                        "routes": [
                                                "name": "default",
                                                "match": {
                                                    "prefix": "/"
                                                "route": {
                                                    "cluster": "inbound|9080|http|productpage.istio-bookinfo.svc.cluster.local",
                                                    "timeout": "0s",
                                                    "maxGrpcTimeout": "0s"
                                                "decorator": {
                                                    "operation": "productpage.istio-bookinfo.svc.cluster.local:9080/*"
                                "validateClusters": false
                            "httpFilters": [
                                    "name": "istio.metadata_exchange",
                                    "typedConfig": {
                                        "@type": "",
                                        "typeUrl": "",
                                        "value": {
                                            "config": {
                                                "configuration": "{}\n",
                                                "vm_config": {
                                                    "code": {
                                                        "local": {
                                                            "inline_string": "envoy.wasm.metadata_exchange"
                                                    "runtime": "envoy.wasm.runtime.null"
                                    "name": "istio_authn",
                                    "typedConfig": {
                                        "@type": "",
                                        "policy": {
                                            "peers": [
                                                    "mtls": {
                                                        "mode": "PERMISSIVE"
                                    "name": "envoy.cors",
                                    "typedConfig": {
                                        "@type": ""
                                    "name": "envoy.fault",
                                    "typedConfig": {
                                        "@type": ""
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                                        "value": {
                                            "config": {
                                                "configuration": "{\n  \"debug\": \"false\",\n  \"stat_prefix\": \"istio\"\n}\n",
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                                                            "inline_string": "envoy.wasm.stats"
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                                                    "vm_id": "stats_inbound"
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                                        "@type": ""
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                                    "value": 100
                                "randomSampling": {
                                    "value": 100
                                "overallSampling": {
                                    "value": 100
                            "serverName": "istio-envoy",
                            "streamIdleTimeout": "0s",
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                                        "@type": "",
                                        "path": "/dev/stdout",
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                            "generateRequestId": true,
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                            "setCurrentClientCertDetails": {
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                                    "upgradeType": "websocket"
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                    "name": "envoy.transport_sockets.tls",
                    "typedConfig": {
                        "@type": "",
                        "commonTlsContext": {
                            "tlsCertificateSdsSecretConfigs": [
                                    "name": "default",
                                    "sdsConfig": {
                                        "apiConfigSource": {
                                            "apiType": "GRPC",
                                            "grpcServices": [
                                                    "envoyGrpc": {
                                                        "clusterName": "sds-grpc"
                            "combinedValidationContext": {
                                "defaultValidationContext": {},
                                "validationContextSdsSecretConfig": {
                                    "name": "ROOTCA",
                                    "sdsConfig": {
                                        "apiConfigSource": {
                                            "apiType": "GRPC",
                                            "grpcServices": [
                                                    "envoyGrpc": {
                                                        "clusterName": "sds-grpc"
                            "alpnProtocols": [
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                "name": ""
                "filterChainMatch": {
                    "destinationPort": 9080,
                    "prefixRanges": [
                            "addressPrefix": "",
                            "prefixLen": 32
                "filters": [
                        "name": "istio.metadata_exchange",
                        "typedConfig": {
                            "@type": "",
                            "typeUrl": "",
                            "value": {
                                "protocol": "istio-peer-exchange"
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                        "typedConfig": {
                            "@type": "",
                            "statPrefix": "inbound_10.244.2.155_9080",
                            "routeConfig": {
                                "name": "inbound|9080|http|productpage.istio-bookinfo.svc.cluster.local",
                                "virtualHosts": [
                                        "name": "inbound|http|9080",
                                        "domains": [
                                        "routes": [
                                                "name": "default",
                                                "match": {
                                                    "prefix": "/"
                                                "route": {
                                                    "cluster": "inbound|9080|http|productpage.istio-bookinfo.svc.cluster.local",
                                                    "timeout": "0s",
                                                    "maxGrpcTimeout": "0s"
                                                "decorator": {
                                                    "operation": "productpage.istio-bookinfo.svc.cluster.local:9080/*"
                                "validateClusters": false
                            "httpFilters": [
                                    "name": "istio.metadata_exchange",
                                    "typedConfig": {
                                        "@type": "",
                                        "typeUrl": "",
                                        "value": {
                                            "config": {
                                                "configuration": "{}\n",
                                                "vm_config": {
                                                    "code": {
                                                        "local": {
                                                            "inline_string": "envoy.wasm.metadata_exchange"
                                                    "runtime": "envoy.wasm.runtime.null"
                                    "name": "istio_authn",
                                    "typedConfig": {
                                        "@type": "",
                                        "policy": {
                                            "peers": [
                                                    "mtls": {
                                                        "mode": "PERMISSIVE"
                                    "name": "envoy.cors",
                                    "typedConfig": {
                                        "@type": ""
                                    "name": "envoy.fault",
                                    "typedConfig": {
                                        "@type": ""
                                    "name": "istio.stats",
                                    "typedConfig": {
                                        "@type": "",
                                        "typeUrl": "",
                                        "value": {
                                            "config": {
                                                "configuration": "{\n  \"debug\": \"false\",\n  \"stat_prefix\": \"istio\"\n}\n",
                                                "root_id": "stats_inbound",
                                                "vm_config": {
                                                    "code": {
                                                        "local": {
                                                            "inline_string": "envoy.wasm.stats"
                                                    "runtime": "envoy.wasm.runtime.null",
                                                    "vm_id": "stats_inbound"
                                    "name": "envoy.router",
                                    "typedConfig": {
                                        "@type": ""
                            "tracing": {
                                "clientSampling": {
                                    "value": 100
                                "randomSampling": {
                                    "value": 100
                                "overallSampling": {
                                    "value": 100
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                            "streamIdleTimeout": "0s",
                            "accessLog": [
                                    "name": "envoy.file_access_log",
                                    "typedConfig": {
                                        "@type": "",
                                        "path": "/dev/stdout",
                            "useRemoteAddress": false,
                            "generateRequestId": true,
                            "forwardClientCertDetails": "APPEND_FORWARD",
                            "setCurrentClientCertDetails": {
                                "subject": true,
                                "dns": true,
                                "uri": true
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                "name": ""
        "listenerFilters": [
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                "typedConfig": {
                    "@type": ""
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                "typedConfig": {
                    "@type": ""
                "name": "envoy.listener.http_inspector",
                "typedConfig": {
                    "@type": ""
        "listenerFiltersTimeout": "1s",
        "continueOnListenerFiltersTimeout": true,
        "trafficDirection": "INBOUND"

Check more istio practice detail at my tech blog

Jing Lin (林静)
Senior Solution Architect@F5

Check my tech blog for more


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